James Arrowsmith

Music and sounds for the higher consciousness, meditation and brain entrainment. Creator of The 7 chakra meditation app.

The 7

The 7 is an app that can be download from the Apple App Store for iPhone & iPad. Within this app, you’ll discover targeted frequencies tailored to each of the seven distinct chakras. These frequencies are meticulously crafted with five layers of immersive soundscapes, incorporating theta waves set at 7Hz. These theta waves are designed to gently guide the mind into a tranquil, meditative state, enhancing your experience and fostering deep relaxation.

Step into your power and embody your creativity...

Phoenix Fyre by James Arrowsmith is a visualisation instrumental. The sacral opening and solar plexus activation will help you step into your power of creativity and expressing your most authentic self.

1 hour meditation music

The “Rising Sun” by James Arrowsmith features powerful, uplifting chords and a floaty main section… tuned to the universal frequency of 432Hz with an  emphasis on the frequencies associated with the Heart Chakra and the Sacral Chakra.